Death March

Death March
Imagine this is your child in this time.

Death March Map

Death March Map
The distances some people had to walk.

Death Marches

Death Marches
Many people perished on these journeys

Thursday, September 2, 2010

"Death Marches" of 1945

        In 1939, Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany. He started making laws for the non superior race "jews", like if they owned stores they could only sell to other Jews. They started segregating them and making them wear "david" stars. As Hitler got more support he decided segragating them wasn't enough. construction of auschwitz and many other concentration camps began. the conditions were horrible, the weather was terrible, and there was no mercy.
           Death Marches, these were hundreds, thousands of Jews, homosexuals, and jipsys. Anyone who wasn't considered the superior race, when they were taken from there homes, jobs, and families they were rounded up and off to be sent to these concentration camps.
      Many people walked in lines most of the time several hundred miles, days on end with little food and water. Often not sleeping or eating for days, in snow, rain, and extreme heat. many people died on these walks from exuastion, hunger, or because they just couldn't keep up.
       after the many days of walking and torcher, the results were probably worse than the walks themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Melinda! Your blog looks wonderful--I love all of the pictures:)

    Blog #1: 9/10 (1 point docked for being 1 class period late)

    You chose a very interesting topic and having this background information will really help you understand The Book Thief better.

    Moving forward, please include links to your sources or cite your sources. If you are ever directly quoting from a source, be sure to put it in quotes. This makes it much easier for you or your readers to find the original source if they want to read more and it gives credit to the original author. It is also helpful for you as a writer if you ever need to check your source for information as you revise.

    Comments for Revision:
    Capitalization: always remember to capitalize proper nouns and the first word in every sentence.

    Usage of their/they're/there.

    Always remember to do a spell check before posting!
